Monday, June 26, 2006

Returning... to DIA

7:55pm, just got a call from Dan.

As the plane was all ready to go, and heading toward the runway, a passenger on the flight changed her mind, and is afraid to fly on this plane today. So right now the plane has turned around and is heading back to the terminal to return the passenger to DIA. Apparently she's kinda scared and making a scene so they have to return her. Doesn't she know we're trying to get to Poland? Leave, plane, leave!

I think this link (click) will connect to the flight tracker.... Though it says they've already taken off... Maybe it meant they were heading to the runway. I'm not sure if I got the right flight number... but the status makes me think this is the one.

1 comment:

Jon the legal immigrant said...

Lot's plane did have to leave - and they put the team up in a hotel in Chicago and are working on an alternate plan to get them to Krakow tomorrow. See the latest blog post by Julie for more info.