Friday, July 14, 2006

Pat's Perspective on the Trip

It's been cool to start reading through a bunch of blogs now that we are home! I was reading Pat Roseman's blog and found a post she did on our trip HERE! It's a great post with a great quote from Yancey in it!

Pat's daughter Jen was on our trip as a leader.

It was very encouraging to see one of the missionaries from our church, whose out on the field, showing her concern and interest in our trip!

Thanks PAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pat R said...

You're welcome, Dan! How could I not be interested with some of my favorite people involved. I really enjoyed reading the 180 in Poland blog. What a great idea. Isn't technology wonderful?

Looking forward to seeing you and Julie and the kids very soon and enjoying some Front Room!

Dan Luebcke said...

You know it Pat! Frontroom is part of our plan with you too!!!!!!!!

Have a great weekend!