Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Photos from the first few days of camp.
Click on a photo for a description.

Previous Slideshows:
In Chicago

Denver to Chicago


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
I hope you are having an amazing time! I'm not too sure but I think tonight should be theme night, so have fun with those crazy games, and good luck tomorrow with that soccer game. I hope you are making amazing relationships with the students and I will be praying for your conversations over the next few days. Stay up all night and talk if you have to! We will see you soon. Eat some bigos and sing the theme song very loud for me!!!!
Emily Carpenter

Kristen said...

It's so fun to hear how you're doing, see all the pictures, and get to pray for you! I miss you all lots, and I hope that somehow I get to hear lots of your stories! In the meantime, I'll be unpacking boxes! Love you all!